
For Nigeria to attain medicine security as well as a consistent flow of affordable drugs, there has to be a functional pharmaceutical supply chain and holistic sanitisation of the wholesale and distribution system of pharmaceutical products. This was the submission experts who gathered at the inauguration ceremony of the Pharmaceutical Wholesalers and Distributors Association of Nigeria (PWDAN), held at the Sheraton Hotel in Ikeja, Lagos.

The keynote speaker, Pharm. (Mrs) Clare Omatseye, managing director, JNC International, and former president of Healthcare Federation of Nigeria called for a thriving pharmaceutical supply chain to ensure consistent flow of affordable medicines in Nigeria.

Medicine Security not Achievable Without Functional Pharma Supply Chain- Experts
The keynote speaker, Pharm. Clare Omatseye (middle), being presented an award plaque at the programme.

Speaking on the theme “Supply Chain in Contemporary Health Services– The Disruption”, Omatseye, a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (FPSN) said that drugs distribution process in the country was chaotic, porous and under serious threat in terms of drug security.

“We should be able to streamline our drugs distribution process in the country and make sure people have access to quality medicines, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals consumables. The objective of what we are talking about today is access to quality healthcare that is affordable, efficacious and effective.

“So, the disruption that is required to take us to the next level is this new association that has come to sanitise our pharmaceuticals supply chain in the country.”